Treatment of varicose veins, lower extremity: conservative and surgical methods

Arrival is only an aesthetic problem. In question are a serious threat to health and even your life. The first symptom of the disease a physician and begin treatment.

Varicose veins

Let's see in which methods of treatment that can offer the type.

Arrival of modern treatment approach

Hard to underestimate the prevalence of this pathology, because according to Statistics, women who suffer from it are approximately 75% and 60% of men. And this is only among the public, developed countries. A reason to explain you should have an idea about the structure's arrival, varicose veins, lower extremity. Without our feet getting tired by moving up in the venous blood, the laws, and gravity for this process to occur, intravenous chills down a liquid down between special valves that prevents, heart. Corruption, this mechanism provokes reverse flow of venous blood, and a larger amount wide the veins, decreases their tone.

The first stage usually passes into what is no specific symptom decline a minor inconvenience foot pod arrival and "violence", in the evening. Careful foot tired even after a little walk. The second sub-phase during the intensive, these signs are getting stronger, both manifest and aching pain, swelling, tingling and cramps in the legs.

The third compensation is characterized by irreversible changes of the skin scene sticks:

  • the edema completely go, even after sleep;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • indurate — protruding, seals, Vol.

This becomes vulnerable trophic disorders, varicose eczema, it is possible to easy and the final leather cover, ulcers. Ignore threatening complications such as thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism as well as pathology.

The earlier treatment begins, the more would be reassuring I guess. But then you must set up a life for success, leaving no time for preventive procedures.

On arrival in emergency to be an excuse to doubt a doctor's visit helps to define the disease and identify him on the scene.

Diagnosis — the first step to recovery

Varicose veins in the legs

First of all, the collection of expert queries necessary to sustain a story. Inspection and palpation is affected by a disease that is below the standard fields. A definitive diagnosis duplex ultrasound is used for more detailed and Angio-scan with color mapping of blood flow. It seems safe, except for this difference with a simple ultrasound, two-dimensional images the doctor sees, the speed and the direction of movement mapping blood vessels. Modern ultrasound devices allow to exactly determine, damaged valves, the direction of movement plots with pathological blood veins, skin tag them exactly projection.

Then it's time to start refining the diagnosis to get rid of move arrive.

Conservative treatment of varicose

Non-surgical methods to prevent, slow down or ease throughout the disease. The basic treatment method is used only if it cannot be processed.

Conservative methods include the following:

  • Compression therapy, i.e., using elastic bandage or special compression underwear. Their effect is to constrict blood vessels, thus improving blood valves and an easy task. Compression therapy is proven to yield a lot of research. Contra — among them, atherosclerosis, aortoarteriit, inflammatory skin disease, and others.
  • Proposes the use of drugs drug treatment oral and tropical (in the form of ointment). Groups drug treatment for, varicose veins, leg varicose venotonic and anti-inflammatory agents, anticoagulants (blood thinners). A doctor's prescription for the necessary medications separately. It is important to remember, there are contraindications for each. For example, most compressed, I can't venotonic early during pregnancy and breastfeeding. When taking anticoagulant drugs and the necessary tests on a regular basis for a blood clot.

Basically, in the absence of treatment, operative treatment options and prescription contraindicated any obstacles.

Traditional transaction (penectomy)

Currently used only in specific cases, the relevant special structure, veins, or a complex disease, for example acute thrombophlebitis in different ways.

Vascular crack

The confluence is within the scope of the operation body diseased saphenous vein, the deep system (CrossAction), and then the mechanical removal of the body. The manipulation is done using general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia and takes 1-2 hours. Due to the high frequency of postoperative complications — hematoma in places lifting handle long-term pain syndrome, neuralgia, and skin paresthesia (numbness) — recently, traditional surgical attempts of modern methods down somewhere. Applies to them the endo-venous laser photocoagulation.

It is advised after the surgery without motor activity there is a significant load regularly along-a-half months shows compression therapy.

In addition, this method of treatment, other, more "frugal" the roads to get rid of varicose in the legs.

Minimally invasive methods

There are several varieties, less traumatic methods of treatment of varicose veins. A doctor who specializes in diseases of patient data and decides on the basis of one of the procedures feasibility properties.

Endo-venous laser photocoagulation

Operation endo-venous laser coagulation treatment has become varicose disease of any severity. How is the severity of the venous insufficiency, the venous Lumen thickness nor trunk is currently a non-limitations for endo-venous laser coagulation. Thanks to this, it was possible to use the following tools:

  • two wave lasers with a single wavelength absorption of hemoglobin, a second blood vessel wall;
  • radial light guides enables processing of the environment and the entire inner surface veins;
  • automatic pump, pumping around the veins the anesthetic solution to allow the provision of pain control, reduction-scale vessels, the protection of adjacent tissue.

Special education endo-venous laser coagulation there is no need for. An ultrasound duplex scanning before the surgery absolutely. It is also necessary to let blood, the standard preoperative Analysis series: General, biochemical, coagulogram.

During the procedure, the doctor will puncture the affected vessel, introduced later on, thin (1 mm thick) with an optical catheter. This whole process, to guide as well as the location in Vienna and more "beer" in the veins is controlled in our patient, the ultrasound device. The operation in about 40 minutes and requires only local anesthetic.

Spider veins legs

After the surgery at the hospital where IS is not required within 3-5 days that is required for the patient wearing a compression garment for a few weeks, a quiet walk, it's recommended daily.

Radiofrequency ablation

In essence the process is similar to laser photocoagulation. The only difference for this wall Vienna "closing" and then radio frequency radiation effects on resorption. Special education, in addition to standard preoperative, it is not necessary.

Any advantage with excellence currently laser systems endo-venous laser, radiofrequency ablation, coagulation. However, the procedure is more expensive with a higher price because waveguides.

Inoperable to spend during pregnancy and lactation, atherosclerosis artery, lower extremity and the inability of the next motor activity.

Similar to the previous procedure, possible complications and recovery in complex rehabilitation measures in the period.

Phlebotomy mini.

Operating principle is to remove holes or cutouts through the veins of the arms and the node on the skin with a special vehicle. Isolated varicose tributaries or additional use after the procedure, laser devices, radiofrequency ablation, or surgical phlebectomy.

Preparation, similar previous operations — in addition to standard tests, ultrasonic scanning, vascular. Contraindications — pregnancy and lactation, acute infectious disease, thrombophlebitis, abnormal motor activity, pathology, blood clots.

Time mini-phlebectomy to wear the compression socks 20-40 minutes required time for rehabilitation.


Non-surgical treatment methods suitable for the extended arrival the arrival of both aesthetic destruction of the vascular "star" and "veins".

Varicose treatment

Service contraindications thrombophlebitis, allergic reactions, individual, infection, pregnancy, inability to perform a correct prescription.

Intravenous puncture sclerotherapy is introducing a special item of "glues" to the vessel wall, then it melts. The most recent innovation — foam foam foam method require the use of the form of medication. Therefore, to a lesser extent, washed the blood increases as the amount of the substance makes it possible for the low concentration and yield. Insulin is the only that requires a hole to undergo anesthesia.

Side effects of sclerotherapy pigmentation appears as it progresses can be connected sklerozirovanie Vienna. In some cases, repeated treatments requires perhaps a missing link Vienna to perform.

Wearing a compression garment is required then sclerotherapy, and to avoid physical exertion and high temperatures (for example, when you visit the sauna).

Sclerotherapy that runs on a volume price. Sclerotherapy to remove large varicose bodies now, almost not used. A small knot of grids or venous sclerotherapy sessions and will cost 7000 and 20 000 rubles.

Struggling with varicose legs moved in conjunction with the development type in the category "hundred years war" in the category "quick win". Minimally invasive procedures has included complex surgical techniques, safer and more effective. Today varicose veins this sentence, just an excuse, consult a specialist.